
Each checked bag must weigh 40 lbs. or less each. Multiple small bags and soft bags without wheels are preferable. This really helps our staff out, so thank you in advance for packing with them in mind!

In general, luggage should be checked instead of brought on the conference ferry. Consider the ferry as you would an airline – luggage is self-service limited to 1 carry-on bag or instrument and 1 personal item (like a small backpack) with one hand free to hold the railing at all times. Please check your baggage whenever possible.

Guests who need assistance with luggage should always have it checked on the luggage boat. Guests arriving mid-week who need assistance with luggage should let attendants know upon arrival.

Once on the island luggage is delivered to dedicated drop-off locations outside of the buildings. if further assistance is needed, please let staff know either in the dock in town of at the front desk on the island.

Although we make every effort to handle luggage with care, be advised that Star Island Corporation and Steamship Company assume no responsibility for the handling, damage, or loss of any luggage. Conferees are urged to leave valuable items at home or to handle them personally. Please pack any prescription drugs in your carry-on luggage. Belongings should be securely packed; loosely packed items run the risk of being damaged or dropped in the water during handling. Conferees are not permitted to bring alcohol aboard the Thomas Laighton or Challenger (so alcohol should not be packed in carry-on baggage). Neither Star Island nor the Steamship Company has professionally trained luggage handlers.