Monthly Archives: March 2014

Star Island Corporation

Three Year Map Reinforces Our Mission and Vision

by Joe Watts, CEO Star Island’s new strategic map is now in place with community, economic, environment, and stewardship goals at its core. This map serves as a basis for our decision making and reinforces our mission and vision. Any good map helps us to get where we want to go. Our strategic map, with… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Star Map: South Rocks

by Ellen M. Taylor, Writers in the Round As a child, we would sail out to Star Island from Kittery on the family cat boat, made by my father and named “The Flying Clod.” There was always that moment when Star came into view, the grand Oceanic Hotel like a figurehead on the prow of… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Star Map: Lawrance

by Karen Ellis, Star Gathering 1 & 2 I only know that I write “LAWRANCE” on my basket supplies and tools and they magically appear in a room at the end of the porch on the first floor of Gosport. From that moment on, it becomes “the basket room” for those attending Star Gathering 1… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Star Map: The Pier

by Sunsue Fleming, Lifespan Religious Education Flying kites is one of my favorite things to do on Star. I have found the best place to fly a kite is the wind tunnel next to Oceanic by the cemetery. One day I was flying my kite when the string broke and the kite ended up in… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Star Map: Summer House

by Emily Cann, Pelican Reunion The Summer House has always been my muse. Since a conferee, I was drawing it, painting it, cutting it out of paper. The cacophony of the sunset would fade into the mainland and the Summer House stood respondent to our needs. Silhouetted, still, atop the little world we lived in… Read more >

Star Island Corporation

The Power of Financial Aid

by Sally Russell, Board Member and Chair of the Financial Aid Committee One of the best initiatives Star Island has implemented over the past few years is the Star Island Financial Aid Program. This important program provides a path to Star Island for individuals and families who would not otherwise have a chance to attend… Read more >

Shoaler Voices

Star Always Felt Like Another World

by Martha Burnham, Laity Family Weekend I first set foot on Star Island in 1958 when our family decided to take a day trip out of Portsmouth to see where my brother would be attending a church conference later that summer. We went aboard the Kiboko, and I remember the passenger pigeons that were let… Read more >

Shoalers in the News

Winter Caretaker Appears on TV

Star Island’s winter caretaker, Alex de Steiguer, recently appeared on WMUR’s NH Chronicle. The segment focused on how Alex uses Star Island for inspiration in her photography. Alex has been Star’s winter caretaker for the past 17 years. Click here to view the NH Chronicle video

On the Island

Star Island Upgrades Start Again This Spring

by Kyle M. Belmont, Program & Outreach Coordinator New siding, new paint, new cement. Starting this spring, Star Island begins many major upgrades to maintain our historical structures while enhancing the guest experience with safety in mind. The most noticeable upgrade takes place in the Dining Hall. Old soundproofing panels will be dismantled, leading to… Read more >