Star Island is full of love stories. From falling in love with the place to our summer staff finding their soulmates while working, our location seems to bring people together. To help you spread a little love this Valentine’s Day season we’ve put together what’s become a sort of tradition: some Isles of Shoals themed love notes with a strong emphasis on puns. They make us laugh, and we hope they make you and your special someone laugh, too.
Please share your favorite image with the person you have your eye on. It’s easy, just click on the image, save it to your computer, and upload it to Facebook or Twitter.
Will you be my Shoalmate?

Asking someone to be your soulmate, errr, we mean shoalmate is a pretty big deal. Think carefully, then go for it. Let that person know you’re ready to spend every summer afternoon with them rowing around Gosport Harbor.
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

The breakwaters connecting Star Island to Cedar Island, and Cedar to Smuttynose are the perfect metaphors for a long-lasting relationship built on granite. All relationships are built on granite, right? Well, at least in our home state of New Hampshire they do.
A Solar Powered Love Affair

While the sun warms us up during the summer, it’s also keeping Star Island humming with activity thanks to our solar array — the largest of its kind in New England. Why not tell someone you love about the energy they give you?
Cottage B Mine

While we have many cottages on Star Island, there’s only one that wants to B yours. Why? Because it’s Cottage B, of course. So B-4 you go out and buy some run-of-the-mill chocolates, use this beast of a line on your crush.
Blank Space

Sure, you can use some lyrics from a 2015 pop song on the person you love, but wouldn’t it just be better to let them know you’ve got a blank space in your heart, and they can fill that shoal for you? We thought you’d like this one, too.

Our friends across Gosport Harbor always have our eye. The way they operate on solar power, have composting toilets, and maintain a recreation of Celia Thaxter’s gardens. You make us melt. And even if you were still called Hog’s Island, we’d still love you.
If these cheeky messages get you inspired to plan a date night, why don’t you click here to reigster for a summer program first? You’ll love it just as much as we love you.
How To Share These Images
Click on any of the images you want to share. Then, right click the image and save it to your computer. Share it how you normally would by attaching it to an email, or inserting it to a post or tweet online.