We’ve been busy on Star Island measuring our resources. Here’s a look at some sustainability digits from 8/15-8/21.
Green Beans Harvested: 7 lbs
The gardens on Star Island are providing loads of produce for guests and staff. Beyond the 7 lbs of green beans harvested between August 15 – 21, we’ve also brought in 5.5 lbs of arugala, 24 lbs of zucchini, 3 lbs of tomatoes, and 1 lb of broccoli. Much of the harvested food goes to Pelicans — our summer staff — in salads.
Electricity Used in One Day: 1,334 kWh
We’re keeping track of our energy usage and trying to decrease it as much as possible. Thursday, August 20 marked the day with the highest energy usage between August 15 – 21. A total of 1,334 kiloWatt hours were used on that day. The biggest user of energy was the Waste Water Treatment Facility with 299 kWh.
Solar Powered: 9.4 hours per day
On average, Star Island’s new solar array provided 9.4 hours of energy between August 15-21. Our efficient diesel generators provided energy for the remaining average of 14.6 hours per day during the same time.
Want to learn more about the Green Gosport Initiative? Click here to view our online dashboard.