2018 Pelican Positions Open!
Due to some recent cancellations, we unexpectedly have a few Pelican job openings on Star this summer. If you know of anyone who is still looking for a summer job and might be interested in this amazing opportunity, please have them get in touch with me as soon as possible to apply.
We seek candidates who will be safe, cooperative, and respectful, and who can thrive in the close working and living quarters of our remote setting. Beyond these essential attributes, we will be strongly focused on hiring candidates who will contribute to our mission of hospitality and participate in forming a healthy island-wide community. If you know of people (age 18 and older) who fit that description and might be looking for a summer job- please encourage them to apply.
The position openings include:
- Housekeeping Crew
- Snack Bar/Gosport Grill Crew
- Truck, Grounds & Waterfront Crew (lifeguard certification required)
- Waitrae Crew
Ideal candidates will be able to work from June 11 through at least mid-August; preferably longer.
Interested applicants contact Kate Brady, Office Manager at:
kbrady@starisland.org or 603-430-6272
with questions and to apply.