A Shoaler in the Making: Part 7 by Nelson Linscott

It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside
I’m not one of those who can easily hide
I don’t have much money but boy if I did
I’d buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it’s not much but it’s the best I can do
My gift is my story and this one’s for you
And you can tell everybody this is your Star Island Song
It may be quite simple but now that it’s done
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world
Altered Version of Elton John “Your Song”

Here we are closing in on the month of June when Star Island comes alive for the summer season. I will be going June 15th and I am so thankful, exuberant, and emotional to be a part of this island and the the people who make it what it is. This will conclude the series of my 2018 trip to Star. I will be picking it back up after returning June 22nd. I hope you all enjoyed the series. It wouldn’t have happened without so many people at Star Island. I love you all. I will pick up the story in July.
As I have said before but I must emphasize even more today that Star Island is more than the natural and man made beauty of this rise of rock in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the people – every visitor, volunteer, and employee. Every smile tells a story and smiles are as numerous as stars in the sky at Star Island. I have learned the power of a smile. Even on the darkest days, a smile – even a forced smile – changes your demeanor. Smiles are contagious. You can’t help but smile on Star Island! These smiles trigger more than happiness. Smiles trigger spirituality. The emotional and spiritual impact of smiling heals us. There is much healing at Star Island. I know this personally.

With the reassurance of multiple smiles, Baxter and I were welcomed with no preconceptions. These smiles gave me the feeling that, “We got this.” While most times we think that smiles are a sign of happiness, but that works in reverse too. Smiles make us happy! I had many worries before I stepped foot on Star. Health issues of both myself and Baxter worried me. Within minutes, the worries were gone. Star Island is an island of love. I gazed out from Star toward the mainland recognizing landmarks and thought, “We aren’t very far from home.” But we were. We were a million miles away.

As we were heading back home after a wonderful week at Star Island, I vowed to keep the Star Island aura about me. I have spread the Star Love to everyone I can. It’s been over 300 days since I have set foot on Star Island and I feel like I am still there. Writing this series, the Friends of Star Island Facebook site, and my photos I post are from the heart. Without the winning of the Veterans Raffle last year, this would never have happened. I am hooked. I am in love. I need to give back, and words, images, and love are my way. Thank you everyone. I will see you all soon. I will be back with help from my friends! Tell your friends about Star Island. Tell everyone. This story is yours. It is ours.
Peace and Love ॐ Nelson and Baxter