

Ellen Campbell got hooked on Geocaching last January, and this June she introduced Shoalers to Geocaching and Star Island to Geocachers. Geocaching is treasure hunting via GPS devices and is based on a website: Anyone can play and there is no fee to sign up for the list of hidden caches. The treasures are small items that fit into containers that are in turn tucked into crevices, nooks in stone walls, hollow logs. The hunters sign log books at the site of the actual cache and record them as well on the web site, where others can read about their experience. Read more…

Conference Updates

Hurricane Earl’s impact on Labor Day Weekend

Star Island reopened on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend after brief closure due to threats from Hurricane Earl. High seas were a certainty and high winds a definite hazard as Earl approached the New England coast late in the week. Staff prepared the hotel and buildings for a big blow and guests and all but a staff of 12 left the island on Friday. On Sunday staff returned, removed the shutters and boards covering the windows and welcomed Pel Reunion and Laity conferees to the island.

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Shawn Roggenkamp and the Swope Sisters

I came to Star Island by a different route from most other Pelicans. I arrived on island on a foggy day in June of 2006 having never set foot on the island or even seen a picture. Pels who have never been Shoalers are not unheard of – there are a few every year – but I was in a different situation even from them. Though I had never been to the Island in person, I had traveled there for many years through the stories of my mom and aunts, who were Pelicans when they were in college. Read more…


Brad Greeley

Outgoing Board President Brad Greeley was presented with a very special photograph and the seat to his very own Oceanic porch rocker by incoming President Russ Peterson at the annual meeting. The photograph is of one of the wall sconces his grandfather designed for the chapel. Read more…

Shoalers in the News

Shoaler Ned Tillman wins 2nd National Book Award

All Star I Shoaler, Ned Tillman’s book, The Chesapeake Watershed: A sense of place and a call to action, was recently selected as the: 2010 Winner of the Excellence in Journalism Award by the Renewable Natural Resource Foundation of Bethesda, Maryland.

Earlier in the year the book was selected as the 2010 Winner of the Best Book on Environmental and Natural Resources selected by The American Society for Public Administration. Read more…

Star Island Corporation

Seeking Photographers for Starry Night Exhibition

The second annual Starry Night Wine Tasting and Exhibition will be held on Saturday, November 20 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Discover Portsmouth Center at 30 Middle Street in Portsmouth NH.

This year the gallery on the second floor of the Discover Center will feature photography by professional photographers Bruce Parsons, Peter Randall, Jill Brody, and Alex De Steiguer who will also serve as jurors to select photos to be featured in the first floor gallery. Photos must be of Star Island or the Isles of Shoals. Read more…

Shoalers in the News

Dave and Edith Pierson Receive Maker of Light Award

We are pleased to reprint Deborah Weiner Soule’s presentation given at the spring 2010 annual meeting.

I know that, with your help and participation, we could fill several hours sharing stories about Dave and Edith Pierson, who the Corporation honors today with this award.
Why do we honor them today? We know that Star Island is that unique place, where families come for generations, and then pass the traditions on. And Dave and Edith were central in shaping both traditions and the Star experience for many of us, me included.
They were indefatiguable, and took their role as senior staff seriously, knowing that their mentoring could help young adults not only come back, but lead in turn They led by example. There was no task that he wouldn’t do and that made us want to work all the harder.
Nancy Meyer remembers, “Dave was quiet, patient, and unfailingly kind. He used to urge us to take days off, to avoid burn out. When we’d ask when his last vacation was, he’d answer, ‘every day is a vacation.’ And there was even a song made up about Dave: “Roll, roll, roll your boat, gently down the lawn. How can a man who’s twice our age still be twice as strong?”
Bruce Parsons said, “There was a reason why we called Edith,’ Ma.’ She and Dave taught us about work ethics, global and environmental awareness,” and what it means to be a caring community: Although Edith was violently seasick – she always took trips on boats by lying on the floor of the boat as it crossed – she was the quintessential island presence. And she, too, was an incredibly hard worker and role model. Scott Stewart remembers, “In 1975 I was working for Edith during open-up, moving rocks from one side of the Island to the paths leading out to the John Smith monument. This was tiring work, and one afternoon, I was pleased to see rain coming, figuring this would allow me to get some rest from moving rocks. Read more…