You share because you care, so if you care about Star Island (and you probably do) it’s time to start thinking about how you can share your memorable summer experiences with others. Sharing Star Island is about talking to people about our beautiful island, showing photos of sunsets, engaging in conversation, and demonstrating that Star Island spirit of community.
So we’ve gathered some suggestions if you’d like to share Star Island with people you know.
Number One
Talk about Star Island!

This is pretty simple, but if you need an explanation, here goes: While having a conversation with friends, mention Star Island. Talk about how you enjoy your trip out to the island every summer, the way the wind cools you off on a hot day, the voices of morning singers waking you up with news of the breakfast menu, or the talent shows showcasing such amazing people.
If you’re anything like us, your friends have probably already heard about Star Island a lot. But it doesn’t hurt to remind people.
Number Two
Engage with your congregation

Many of the people who come to Star Island first heard about us from a friend at their UCC or UU congregation. And, since we were founded on the traditions of these two faiths, we strongly support engaging people within these communities. When sharing Star Island in your congregation, you can start small by hanging a Star Island poster, or go large by hosting a table during a coffee or social hour. Indulge your imagination to come up with ideas on how to share Star Island within your congregation. One Shoaler bought mugs for his congregation’s coffee hour that feature Star Island’s chapel. Perfect conversation starter.
In between hanging a poster and hosting a social hour table, think about making a Star Island display to hang in a church hall, providing Star Island program catalogs for folks, and putting a Star Island ad in your congregation’s bulletin.
Email to request program catalogs, brochures, and posters
Number Three
The 30% off Discount

Star Island is offering a very specific discount in 2014 which provides people entirely new to Star Island from selected congregations and historical societies 30% off room and board for attending the full length of selected summer programs.
Click here to check out more details about this discount
The links below are more resources for sharing this discount:
Discount FAQs | Discount Flyer
Number Four
Social Media

Help feed the social media beast with Star Island. We’ve seen you taking loads of sunset pictures on island, and many a rocking chair snapshot, too. So, let the world see these gems. We suggest tagging posts with #StarIslandNH, but there’s no requirement. We love coming across old photos on Thursdays (that’s #ThrowBackThursday if you were wondering why), and we’re still waiting to see Uncle Oscar appear on someone’s feed for #MCM (that’s #ManCrushMonday). Basically, there are a lot of reasons to post Star Island photos, videos, and info. But, the best reason: there’s no reason. Just go ahead and post away.
If you’re looking for inspiration, here are some awesome videos set on Star Island:
- Pelican Show 2012 – “Call Your Girlfriend”
- Scenic views from several of the Isles of Shoals
- Yearly Adults Conference 2011 – “Party on the Isles of Shoals”
Okay, you’re right, that last video is more just for laughs, but it shows that Star Island is about having fun with creative people.
Number Five
Send a Postcard
Send a postcard…from Star Island, that is. This one is for you procrastinators, and doesn’t require your attention for a few months. Here’s the skinny: Purchase a few postcards and stamps from the bookstore on island. And then write to your heart’s content (as long as it fits on the postcard) about how much you are loving your time on Star and how much the person you’re writing to should visit next year (or later this summer when you both come back for a Personal Retreat).
Don’t forget to affix a stamp to your postcard before dropping it in the mail slot on the front desk. And you’re golden. We don’t usually like to promote gloating, but that’s the prime reason to write postcards, right?
So there you have it. Five simple ways to share Star Island with people you know. If you have any questions, email
And, if you are feeling even more inclined to share Star Island, explore the Ambassador page for resources.