Monthly Archives: September 2014


Star Island Receives Grant from Historic New England

Star Island is the recent recipient of a $1,000 Community Preservation Grant from Historic New England. Click here to learn more about this grant program from Historic New England. Star Island will use this grant money to digitize old films in the Vaughn Cottage collection that depict old Shoalers like Unlce Oscar. The films, which… Read more >


Support Star Island in 2014

It’s the time of year that starts with candy corn and jack-o-lanterns and ends with champagne toasts that welcome in a new year. This time of year is a reminder of all that is made possible by your generosity. You can click here to make your 2014 gift now. With your help we are beginning… Read more >

Green Gosport Initiative

Star Island’s Gardens Grow

Celia Thaxter’s Appledore garden is probably the most well known of the plots out at the Isles of Shoals, but Star Island’s gardens are growing strong while supplementing staff and guest meals throughout the summer. This year, the gardens were tended to by sustainability intern Elspeth Pennell as well as numerous volunteers who helped from… Read more >

Green Gosport Initiative

Star Island’s Sustainable Summer

Summer 2014 has seen many developments towards a more sustainable Star Island. From simple changes to major overhauls, this has been a year of greening. From the start of the summer, Star Island has been operating with a number of habits already in place. For example, we rely on rain collection for a portion of… Read more >