It’s the time of year that starts with candy corn and jack-o-lanterns and ends with champagne toasts that welcome in a new year. Within the merriment comes the Star Island year-end appeal that you will receive this month. The letter from Joe Watts is a reminder of all that is made possible by your generosity. You can click here to make your 2014 gift now or return your gift in the envelope provided with the mailing, which will also provide an overview of your recent giving history!
With your help we are beginning the 100th anniversary year of the Star Island Corporation on a solid foundation having surpassed our occupancy goals and generated the biggest operating gain in the history of the Corporation. We take pride in forecasting a surplus budget for 2015 that continues to include a robust financial aid program that since 2011 has helped 192 families with room and board and provided discounts to 72 Pelicans who returned to a conference of their choice in 2013.
Click here to contribute to Star Island
It’s our turn now. Please do what you can to ensure as bright a future for Star as has been fulfilled thus far.