
Star Island Painting Raffle Concludes, Winners Announced

During Starry Night on Saturday, November 16, Star Island revealed the winners of the 2013 Star Island Raffle.

The winners are:


“Looking North from Star Island” Oil on canvas painting by Paul George

Winner: Anne Lenox and Jim Sersich

Two nights on Star Island for Two People in 2014

Winner: Jeanie O’Farrell

Sail aboard Aloft with Capt. Jack Farrell in 2014

Winner: Sally Easter

Star Island Gift Basket

Winner: Jacqueline Bartol

If you were loooking for information about the Star Island Veteran’s Raffle please click here.

Shoaler Voices

Sharing Star Island: A Mug Shot

Sharing Star Island just got more creative thanks to an idea from All Star 2 Shoaler Roger Kellman.

Star Island Mug Shot Icon

Roger’s idea for sharing Star Island starts with his congregation’s social hour. Many folks sharing Star Island use their congregation’s social hour because it’s a time designed for casual conversation and, well, talking about Star Island is pretty easy to do. But how do you start the conversation? This is where Roger’s idea takes off. His conversation starter is the mug people are drinking their coffee out of. Roger donated mugs to his congregation that say “Star Island” on them, and now Star Island is just a sip away for most people.

If you like this idea, start it at your congregation! Contact your minister, parish administrator, or social hour coordinator to ask if you can donate Star Island mugs. We suggest emailing our friends at the Shops On Star to see their mug offerings, or use an online company to create your own.

If you start your own Star Island mug project, let us know! Email with your Sharing Star Island stories.


Giving Tuesday – December 3


Star Island welcomes you to give on #GivingTuesday, December 3. Our goal in participating in #GivingTuesday is to inspire more people to give within their own communities, to make a larger impact on the world around them. Our “Little Island, Big Impact” theme speaks to how we can influence others to do good, or give, within our own islands or networks. From there, our actions can support a larger cause or mission to benefit more people.

We ask you to join us on #GivingTuesday in giving. Whether you choose to support Star Island, or another worthy cause or organization, we know that if more people give and do good, we are all benefitting.

#GivingTuesday is a movement to celebrate and provide incentives to give. It will culminate with a global day of giving on December 3, 2013. This effort harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners — charities, families, businesses and individuals—to transform how people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. #GivingTuesday will inspire people to take collaborative action to improve their local communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they celebrate and help create a better world.
#GivingTuesday will harness the power of social media to create a global moment that is dedicated to giving around the world.

Star Island is New England’s unique summer island offering programs with over a century of history. As a vibrant destination for families and individuals each summer, Star Island seeks to create community freeing all who come to explore matters of consequence. Star Island is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization built on the traditions of the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association. More information about Star Island can be found at

Learn more about Star Island and #GivingTuesday


Star Island Offers Raffle for US Military Veterans

Starting Monday, November 11, Star Island welcomes United States military veterans to enter a raffle for free room and board during the 2014 summer.

Offering a free week (seven nights) for a military veteran and members of his or her household, this raffle is Star Island’s way of saying thank you to the veteran community. Veterans are encouraged to go to to learn more and register for the free raffle.

“We respect the sacrifice veterans make for all of us,” said Star Island CEO Joe Watts. “And this is a way we can show our appreciation as an organization.”

The Star Island Veterans Raffle is free to enter and open to US military veterans and active members in the US military. The winning veteran and members of his or her household will receive a free week on Star Island during selected dates of the 2014 season.

Star Island is New England’s unique summer island offering programs with over a century of history. As a vibrant destination for families and individuals each summer, Star Island seeks to create community that frees all who come to explore matters of consequence. Star Island is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization built on the traditions of the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association. More information about Star Island can be found at

Shoaler Voices

Favorite Place: East Rock

By Tristan Binns, Star Island Yoga Retreat


My favorite spot on Star Island is East Rock. There, I am riding the waves out to the horizon all around me. I am greeting the sun rising this morning and every single morning I ever waited in the dark on the rock for the sun to rise. I am limitless, one single moment in time with all the other moments fanned out around me as if caught in time-lapse photographs. Behind me is the safety of the known: buildings, people, love and security. In front of me my heart leaps to run in all directions at once, but I know this rock well so I wait. As the breath settles, when the granite starts to feel soft to sit on, then I know I am safe here, with all possibilities always here, all horizons always open. Fog, rain, sun, passing of time, passing of life; none of it matters. I am fifteen, I am thirty-seven, I am forty-four. In this place I know my timeless inner core of light.

If you would like to share thoughts on your favorite place on Star Island, please email


Starry Night: A How To

Starry Night Registration Button

Purchase your Starry Night tickets today


So you’ve heard that Star Island is holding an event called Starry Night on Saturday, November 16 at the Discover Portsmouth Center, but maybe you’re wondering, what exactly is Starry Night? Certainly you can look up at the sky during the evening and see your own starry night; why would you attend Star’s Starry Night? Here’s a brief description and suggested itinerary for how to spend your Starry Night with us.

Sarah OConnor Glass Beads 2

Starry Night is, very simply, a fundraiser for Star Island. Through ticket sales and vendor fees, Star Island raises money to support our non-profit mission. Vendor fees? Yes, we have a number of vendors who will be sharing their crafts during Starry Night. Crafters in 2013 include Joe Watts III, Sarah O’Connor, Paulette Semprini, Diane Terragni, and Roberta Horsman. Paulette Semprini Jewelery 3Come to Starry Night to mingle, browse (and purchase) crafts, and eat some delicious food provided by our friends at Dos Amigos. New in 2013 is First Star, which will start about an hour before Starry Night as a pre-event featuring David Whitford. Besides being a long-time Shoaler, David is also an editor with Fortune magazine and he will be leading a talk on one of his recent articles. First Star leads right into Starry Night, so a full evening of fun is guaranteed.

Suggested Itinerary

First thing: come to Portsmouth! Portsmouth will be buzzing this weekend, so thanks for choosing Starry Night. If you need to stay overnight, call the Best Western Wynwood Hotel (603-436-7600) on the Portsmouth traffic circle for a 25% discounted rate. And now that you’re in Portsmouth:

Saturday, November 16


  • 9:00 AM – Enjoy breakfast at Colby’s Restaurant. There will probably be a line, but the food is delicious.
  • 10:30 AM – Take a drive along US RT 1-A through the town of Rye, NH and take a glimpse of the Isles of Shoals. Our winter buy dapoxetine online caretaker is on-island tending to matters, so know that everything is safe. Stop at one of the turn-offs and take a picture. If you strike a pose just right, it could even look like you’re holding Star Island.
  • 11:30 AM – The Seacoast Science Center is open for visitors. Stop by and visit with our friends to learn more about the Gulf of Maine — just as if you were visiting our Rutledge Marine Lab during the summer.
  • 1:00 PM – Portsmouth is celebrating Restaurant Week, so stop by one of the participating restaurants for lunch. You’ll be glad you did. And, you’ll know a great place to return to before or after your summer 2014 Star Island visit.
  • 2:30 PM – Stroll the streets of Portsmouth. From independent booksellers to locally owned galleries, Portsmouth has a number of interesting and unique shops to pique your interest. And if you’re in need of something sweet, we suggest a stroll down the far end of State Street to visit either our favorite chocolate shop or cupcake bakery.
  • 4:00 PM – Join with others in First Star at the Discover Portsmouth Center. Talk with David Whitford and others to discuss his recent article about one of China’s richest men. Click here to purchase First Star tickets
  • 5:30 PM – Stroll into Starry Night’s craft gallery and see the beautiful creations our chosen vendors have brought. You’ll be entertained by the music of the Brown & White Band and dinner is provided by Dos Amigos.
  • 8:00 PM – Starry Night concludes until next year and you’re free to gallivant around Portsmouth.



Thank you for spending the day with us!

Purchase your Starry Night tickets today



We’re Free of Zombies

Zombie Free Star Island
In the event of a zombie attack, please remember Star Island as one of New England’s treasured gems for rest, relaxation and spiritual renewal. Located just 6 miles off New Hampshire’s coast, Star Island is the perfect location to spend your days and watch the sunrises and sunsets knowing that you’re safe from the undead. With history dating back thousands of years, Star Island will prove to be your community oasis. We’re best reached by boat or any floating apparatus that’s handy. As you prepare for the zombie apocolypse, choose Star Island for your retreat.


Star Island is already known for its rustic yet adequate accommodations, so if you make it to Star you’ll be living in as much luxury as anyone else really. Our comfortable beds are found throughout the island in various settings: the Oceanic Hotel, Gosport House, and cottages dotting the long boardwalk. Clean linens are available right off the laundry room and come in many varities that will delight anyone escaping the walking dead.


Throughout the past few years Star Island has done a lot of work creating a more sustainable island with food in mind. New gardens have been planted and will be ready for you to either help harvest or maintain throughout your stay. Since Star Island is surrounded by the ocean, rowboats will be made available to any sane person who wishes to fish, trap lobster, or otherwise forage for seafood. The island also holds a number of cookbooks that can guide people in preparing meals with island resources. And anything that remains from our snackbar at the end of the season is fair game.


We won’t be scheduling any ferry runs to and from Star Island because, well, that’s just a bit unwise (wouldn’t you agree?). You’ll have to find your own method of getting to Star. So whether that’s a sailboat, a rowboat, or a raft just make sure you’re ready for an ocean voyage of several miles.


Don’t worry about Star Island’s resources. We already make our own drinking water, and we have a pretty extensive rain water collection system. We’re also continuing to work on installing solar panels. Let’s just say, we’re not officially preparing for a zombie apocolypse, but we’ve got it covered when it happens.


Since world markets will be collapsing, we’ll be relying on the barter system for payment. So bring what you think can be traded. Things we’ll most likely be looking for: chocolate, avocados, and batteries.


Star Island is well known for its summer programs that bring people together to form a dynamic community based on the principles of the Unitarian Universalism and the United Church of Christ. We’ll continue to offer those programs with varied themes and workshops as our population permits. Evening chapel services will occur as scheduled.

Happy Halloween!


On the Island

From the Star Island Bakery: Scary Good Pumpkin Bread

Star Island Pumpkin Muffin Recipe small

You know what doesn’t scare us at Star Island? Feeding approximately 400 people a day, three meals a day — on an island, no less. What does scare us? That you’ve been without your Star Island baked goods for at least a month now because our season is over. Eeek!

Don’t worry friends, we’ve got your backs. Scanned straight from the archives is this recipe for Pumpkin Bread (or muffins). This recipe dates back to the early 2000’s when the baking crew consisted of Mandy, Erin, and Jerusha.

Do be warned, there’s a bit of a fright factor with this recipe (36 eggs!) as it feeds a whole heck of a lot more people than you’d be having over for a halloween party.

If you want a reminder of what the Star Island bakery produced last summer, take a look at one of our earlier posts.

Shoaler Voices

Thoughts of an Old Shoaler – a poem

Star Island People Around Chapel Irene Bush

Longtime Shoaler Edith Kates recently turned 90 years old. As an attendee of the Life on a Star Family Conferences, Edith gave a lot to Star Island including the golf cart to help people better navigate the island’s rocky terrain. Affectionately referred to as the “Vic Mobile” after her husband Victor, with whom she co-chaired Life on a Star 1 in 1987, this vehicle remains important for many people to access such meaningful places on island like the chapel.

Edith now remembers Star through her children’s and grandchildren’s experiences. After listening to Betsy Kates, her daughter, tell her what happened this summer she wrote this poem:

Thoughts of an Old Shoaler

Our last day on Star Island, let us
Cherish every minute and
Bid farewell to each dear spot and
The pleasures found within it.

The chapel and the art barn
And Mrs. Moody’s cave
Every rock, too, can smooth my heart
As I greet each rolling wave.

Oh, the friendships formed in one
Short week.
Replenished year on year.
How warm the hugs, how deep the joys
As we join the welcome cheer.

Though now my children follow me
While I’m not there to share
Too many rocks, too many steps
From rook to rocking chair.

I will go back, I must go back
Unlikely though it seems
I have been back, I do go back
If only in my dreams.


Star Island Corporation

Show & Tell: Star Island

Star Island Presentation Photo

Although this is maybe a bit too 90’s to admit, we just burnt a bunch of CD’s with our slide show presentation – the Star Island 2014 Presentation Disc. So now is your time to share Star Island with these technologically advanced discs. If you’d like a disc, email with your request (don’t forget to say “please”) and your mailing address. Yours will be sent out lickety-split because no row boats are required — they’re already on the mainland!

Here are some scenarios that might come up which require you to have one of our discs:


  • You’ve noticed that your congregation’s social hour could use some spice, and the Mexican-hot chocolate is a bit too much for your crowd. The Star Island 2014 Presentation Disc is perfect for this situation. Just load it up on your laptop, have it playing as people walk by. Voila! You’re having a conversation about your spirit’s home.
  • You’re attending a family party (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc…) and everyone is tip-tapping away on their smart phones. Well, smarten your family up with a viewing of Star Island’s snazzy video version which is part of the Star Island 2014 Presentation Disc. This will bring your family together for an inter-generational family event. You’ll be happier than that time you found out the front desk can charge up your cell phone for free.
  • You’re taking a cross country trip on a budget airline and it costs extra to use wi-fi, and no in-flight movies are scheduled. Problem solved, friend. Bring along the Star Island 2014 Presentation Disc, put it in your laptop, and you’ve got a companion for the entire flight. The video might be only a few minutes long, but you’ve got 6 hours to enjoy it on repeat.
  • Know someone afraid of the dark? Be a great neighbor and lend them your copy of the Star Island 2014 Presentation Disc. Once inserted into a computer, the disc will brighten any room with soothing pictures and welcoming words. Consider this the cure to insomnia.
  • Trying to connect with the millennial generation? They eat vintage things up like brunch served on antique plates at formica tables. Connect with this crowd by showing our vintage-quality CDs. And to attract the hipster crowd, just let them know this is so cool that it’s not even on iTunes. They’ll not care, but they’ll care.



But in all reality, we do hope you have a chance to display the slide show or video on our presentation disc. People come to Star Island because of people like you who share Star Island.

To request a CD or for more information, please contact You’ll be loved.