
Bedded Bliss

With 274 guest mattresses on island, Star works tirelessly to make sure visitors get to rest comfortably when tired. Conference Center Director Justina Maji explains the maintenance process:

  • Our crew goes around the island physically and visually inspecting each mattress. Mattresses are rated from 1 (absolutely needs replacement) to 5 (excellent and beautiful).
  • Working within our budget, we replace all mattresses rated 1, usually all of the 2’s, and possibly some of the 3’s.

While lying on each bed on island can be fun, staff enjoy riding the new mattresses out to the island during an early spring boat run more.



Bringing a Sustainable Light

Created in 2009 by the Star Island Board of Directors, the Bringer of Light Award recognizes those Shoalers who have made a significatly long and noticeable impact on the greater Star Island community. At the 2013 Annual Meeting, Bruce Parsons and Dick Case were presented with the award to celebrate their hard work and volunteer efforts supporting Star Island’s solar energy project.

Star Island Dick Receives Award for Newsletter Star Island Bruce Receives Award for Newsletter



‘CHAIR’itable Giving

by Rev. David Scheuneman, Residential Life Advisor & Island Chaplain

Star Moonrise Stu Mosseau for Online NewsletterAs a conferee since my childhood in the 1970’s, with twenty stints as minister-of-the-week and eight seasons as a conference chair, I thought I mostly knew how Star Island runs. Working here for the past two summers, however, I have been amazed at how much I still had to learn. For example, I have long known about the tremendous spirit of generosity that goes into sustaining our traditions. All year round, people contribute an abundance of “time, talent and treasure.” Most of our regulars know about the importance of financial giving to our Annual Fund and the McGill Society. Anyone who has helped plan or run a conference event knows something of how much time and talent people give to our community. But I was surprised to discover the depth to which volunteerism goes into all the other aspects of keeping Star going.

For an idea of the impact that Star Island’s volunteers have, just consider the chairs. If you have ever sat down on Star Island, you have personally been supported by a volunteer’s handiwork. There is a whole team of volunteers dedicated just to maintaining wicker. They spend days patiently making repairs and weaving new seats. (Can you imagine Star without our front porch rockers?) Or think of the 350 dining hall chairs, every one of which was carefully cleaned by volunteers one weekend. Numerous other volunteers, coming and going all summer, worked at refinishing the dining chairs one-by-one. Then there are hundreds of other chairs spread out in hotel rooms and staff quarters – cleaned mostly by volunteers every spring during open-up. So, if that many volunteers go into sustaining just one facet of Star Island’s charm, imagine how much generosity goes into maintaining Star as a whole!
The way I see it, Star Island is a gift that we give each other. Every year, I see how Star Island can bring out the best in people. And people, when they are at their best, naturally want to play a part in sustaining Star as the inspirational and transformative place it has been. Ultimately, though, the best gift we can give each other is to continue visiting and spending time together here – because that is the primary ingredient that makes Star Island what it is.



On Island: A Lot to be Happy About

Greetings, fellow Shoalers! As I write my first report to you as President of the Board, I feel such a sense of gratitude. I am writing from the island, where the Life on A Star conferences have had two glorious weeks. LOAS has broken its attendance records, and is full of joy, music and fellowship, including the return of many Shoalers who haven’t come in several years. Everyone is so happy to be here, and happy about the new showers, great food, new porch, the staff, the Green Gosport Initiative, and so much more. I hear this positive spirit has been true all season. More people are inquiring about joining the McGill Society, for example, to provide for Star in their estate plans, and about becoming Corporation members. We must continue to build our future leaders by encouraging the next generation to get involved as island citizens, not just conferees. I am grateful to be working with Joe Watts and his wonderful management team, and that Star Island is in such good condition at this point, financially, physically and spiritually.

Deciding What To Do Together

The future is also bright and full of exciting plans and hopes. Because of all that good feeling, people are giving more financial and volunteer support, which will enable us to make even more improvements to our beloved but aged facilities, as well as to keep our rates as affordable as possible. The plans for alternative energy sources are going forward quickly, and we will be moving away from burning diesel fuel, which is one of our strategic goals. We will also be making lots of energy efficiency improvements, reducing our overall energy needs and dependencies. Our relationships with various regulatory bodies remains positive and cooperative. The staff is already planning the conference schedule for next year, with some exciting new developments.

The Star Island Regatta, now on for September 28, has grown in participation since we revived it, and promises to be great fun – come back for it! I also hope to see many of you at Starry Night on November 16 in our Portsmouth office, or at a Star event in your home, town or church – we need to keep spreading the good word about Star, until all our conferences, and beds, are full. Most of all, I am grateful to you, dear friends, for your questioning and thoughtful, but always unflagging, support of our beloved spirits’ home. Thank You!

In Star Spirit,

Sharon Kennedy, President



The Happiness Quotient

by Angela Matthews, Development Director

This is my fifth summer on Star. I know – a mere infant in Star life – but nonetheless an interesting vantage point from which to experience this precious 40 acres. Every week is a self-contained whole that gives us a quite complete variety of personae – intellectual, fun-loving, music-in-every-moment, traditional – the list of qualities is as endless as the number of conferences. Each family arrives and seems to live out a year in a week. It is fascinating as much as it is invigorating. I am blessed to be present with each and every group.

For me, the satisfaction measure of each week is the HQ or happiness quotient. What are Shoalers saying? How are you experiencing the island? What’s the overall satisfaction level? I listened to learn what was meaningful to you in 2013 and heard best Pel show ever, appreciation for thoughtful attention to food sensitivities, the island has never looked better. Some other comments from the summer of 2013 include:

  • “You asked me in your thank you note last year why, as a new Shoaler, I chose to give so much. It’s because Star gave me so much last year. I’m back because I found a community where I belong – a community I love.”
    “The changes to Cottage A made it possible for our family to bring my father back to Star. Accessibility has made all the difference to him and to us.”
  • “Oh thank you thank you so much. I have longed for this for years and now so much on the accessibility wish-list is complete. How wonderful!”
  • “The plan to make Star Island energy independent and sustainable through renewable solar power is the most exciting break-through in years. Now, when I give I do so knowing that where we are headed serves an even larger purpose than our conferences, ourselves, and our day guests.”


Speaking of sustainability, Shoalers of all ages want to help. Upon earning a whole $16 at her lemonade stand this summer, this Shoaler explained to her aunt that she would give $1 to Star Island and save the rest for college. The perfect split of resources for a community minded six-year-old.

Star Island Shower Manifesto

Of course, the showers were the talk of the town this season. Those who loved them emphatically said so. And then there were a few who longed for the old days of towel-wrapped guests of all ages sharing stories while waiting for their turn on a shower line that moved quickly as one jumped out to dress and another jumped in. As one conferee put it, “With all these improvements I’m running out of material for talent show skits!” And speaking of showers, one day a “Shower Manifesto” appeared on the door of the women’s shower room.

Here it is in all its naked beauty. Where did it come from? Well, we’ll never know who, but it clearly came from the core values of this island from its very founding moments. Resources are precious. Take care of one another. Carry in – carry out. Doesn’t that just speak to who we are?

These comments and so many more during the 2013 season indicated a very high HQ. I like to think of this in part as the result of a promise fulfilled. We started a journey in 2007 that is still unfolding up to and including the post-campaign grant this year of $100,000 from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock to install sprinklers in the chapel and replace the fire pump. Make no mistake, 2007 was not the worst of times in the life of this island. That summer gave us all the opportunity to join that unbroken chain of Star Stewards established by Thomas and Lilla Elliott in 1897 with the very first conference on Star. We are in good company and we are grateful to be part of such a vibrant and sustaining community of generous Shoalers. It probably won’t be the last time the Star community will face a daunting challenge. It is a reminder that anything and everything is possible. It just takes a small group of determined individuals who won’t stop until the task is complete. Were it not for you all, would this island have survived?


Star Island Corporation

Seeking Pictures for 2014 Publications

Star Island Sunset August 2013

Star Island offers so many beautiful scenes that we’d like to share on our website and in our upcoming 2014 publications, including our annual Program Catalog and our seasonal newsletters. If you have great pictures of Star Island to share with us, please do!

What type of pictures are we looking for?


  • People having fun on Star Island: row boat rides, softball games, social hours, tennis matches, trivia games, eating in the dining hall, ordering a lime rickey.
  • People enjoying program activities: listening to a theme talk, leading a workshop, making s’mores, working on a craft project.
  • Traditional Star Island scenes: People lining up for candlelit chapels, the grand march.
  • Basically we are looking for pictures of people where can i buy priligy in united states having fun on Star Island in many different ways.
  • We’re not averse to a good sunset picture, too; however, we prefer pictures of people enjoying Star Island.


How can you share your photos with Star Island?


  • Email a link of your online photo album (like Google’s Picassa) to (please don’t share Facebook photo albums as the quality of the picture is not great for print)
  • Mail a CD with your photos to the Star Island office – 30 Middle Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801
  • Please do not email individual pictures or our email server will bounce them.


The deadline to be included in our 2014 Program Catalog is Friday, November 1, 2013

Conference Updates

Star Island Weather Update: Today’s Ocean Conditions Allow for Boat Travel

Yesterday we shared news that this afternoon’s 4:25 PM Thomas Laighton run to Star Island might be cancelled due to ocean conditions; however, after reviewing the situation this morning, leaders from both the Isles of Shoals Steamship Co. (operators of the M/V Thomas Laighton) and Star Island have determined that this afternoon’s ocean conditions will not interefere with travel to and from Star Island. So, you will come back!

If you have questions, please contact the Oceanic Hotle’s Front Desk at 603.601.0832.

On the Island

Star Island Weather Update: Wednesday’s Ocean Conditions

Star Island and the Isles of Shoals Steamship Company (operators of the M/V Thomas Laighton) are currently tracking ocean conditions for Wednesday, September 11 that may impede travel to Star Island. We are currently still on schedule for the arrival of the Women’s 4-Day Retreat tomorrow, but will know more at approximately 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but are hopeful levitra otc that ocean conditions will allow for the Thomas Laighton to set sail for Star tomorrow and regularly scheduled conferences can start as planned.

If you have questions, please feel free to call the Front Desk of the Oceanic Hotel on Star Island at 603.601.0832. We will also keep our website, up to date with the most current information.

On the Island

Gosport Regatta Welcomes Funky Divas and Brown & White Band

Star Island Aloft Sailing

The fourth annual Gosport Regatta sets sail on Saturday, September 28. Organized by Star Island and the Piscataqua Sailing Association with race day sponsor Eastern Bank, this premier seacoast event allows spectators to experience the excitement of open ocean racing.

“We are thrilled that this event continues and grows stronger each year,” said Joe Watts, Star Island CEO. “Star Island is the perfect location for end-of-race festivities and an opportunity to bring guests, crews, skippers, and sponsors together.”

Originally held in 1874 and revived in 2010, the Gosport Regatta features live entertainment by some of the region’s finest musicians.

The Funky Divas perform on the Oceanic Hotel’s front porch on Saturday, September 28, welcoming spectators as they arrive off the M/V Thomas Laighton. The non-stop style of the Funky Divas gets people up and rocking with an R&B/gospel style.

A Sunday jazz brunch will feature musicians Jim White and Dave Brown as the Brown and White Band. Their music is an eclectic mix of R&B, blues, rock, standards, and jazz.

Visit to register and for more information about the Gosport Regatta. Overnight spectators ticket prices include all race day events and Sunday’s Jazz brunch.

Star Island is New England’s unique summer island home to a racing tradition started in 1874. Located approximately 10 miles off the coast of New Hampshire, Star Island is part of the National Register of Historic Places. More information about Star Island and the Gosport Regatta may be found at

Conference Updates

A Look at the Second Half of Summer 2013

As we shared earlier in the summer, there’s a lot happening on Star Island. As the months continued, even more has happened. And while we could inundate you with endless sunset pictures, we have something even better to share: moments of community.

Here are some highlights from the latter part of summer 2013:

Star Island Queen Victoria Visit
  • A new map greeting visitors on the pier was installed.
  • The historians at Vaughn Cottage created a beautiful video telling the story of carrier pigeons on island.
  • Leaders from FarmAid met with island guests and staff during Life on a Star 1.
  • Several duct tape boat races saw crowds cheering from the pier as youth paddled (or swam) their way from the dock to the beach.
  • The Thomas Wesley Stern band performed for both guests and staff.
  • The Swell Society hosted an afternoon Gatsby party complete in vintage attire.
  • Weekly Pel Shows have continued with great applause including one ending with a rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.
  • Queen Victoria visited the Historic Star Conference for a high tea and discussion.
  • Star’s winter caretaker, Alex de Steiguer, released a book of photographs taken on Star Island.
  • A helicopter from the Dartmouth Hitchock Advanced Response Team made a test landing.
  • Guests staying during Star Island Experience Week, Conversations in Creativity and Historic Star took part in a reading of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech celebrating the 50th anniversary of it’s original delivery on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
  • Star Island Welcomes Gatsby Party
  • Many softball games!
  • Appledore trips full of history and wandering around Celia Thaxter’s garden.
  • Some groups staying on island coordinate Pelican Auctions which gives a chance for staff to provide a service or art with proceeds going to the Pelican (staff) fund. Some lucky auction winners received cooking lessons from our kitchen crew.

  • And while this list is long, it does not even begin to depict the full community experience of Star Island. You will come back!